Risk Management

Driver Safety

Brick streets on the UM campus.

Accident Reporting

  1. All accidents should be reported immediately. Even seemingly small fender benders.
  2. Call “911” if anyone is injured and requires immediate medical attention.
  3. If there is no need for medical care, contact the appropriate law enforcement agency, or if on-campus or the general vicinity of campus, contact UMPD at (205) 665-6500.
  4. Do not discuss the accident with others until law enforcement arrives.
  5. Never offer to pay for any damage, medical bills, towing, rental cars, taxi service or any other charges incurred by another party resulting from the accident.
  6. If the vehicle is towed from the accident scene, determine where the vehicle will be taken and what may be necessary to retrieve the vehicle.
  7. Ask the investigating law enforcement officer to provide the accident report number and how/where a copy can be obtained.
  8. Report the accident to Risk Management. This should be done within 24 hours of the accident. If anyone was injured and/or substantial property damage occurred, call Risk Management immediately at (205) 626-0044 and report the accident verbally. The accident must also be reported to the driver’s direct supervisor or manager. If the vehicle is provided by the University motor pool as a short-term rental or lease, the accident must also be reported to Auto Mechanic Shop at (205) 665-6160.

Motor Vehicle Pool Request

To request a vehicle from the UM Motor Pool contact Tim Nash at tnash1@garfie1d.com or (205) 665-6160 and the form will be sent to you to complete and return to him. Also, complete the MVR Release Form below and send to Steven Boydstun at sboydstu@garfie1d.com.

MVR Release Form

UM Motor Vehicle Safety Policy & Acknowledgement Form

Driver Safety Manual

Use of University Vehicles – Policy 03:041


The purpose of the Use of University Vehicles policy (Policy 03:041) is to confirm those persons entrusted to operate a University of Montevallo (“University”) owned, leased, rented, or dealer/vendor loaner vehicle (collectively known as “University vehicle”) have a driving history that reflects responsible driving behavior and compliance with traffic laws. The Office of Risk Management applies Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) review guidelines generally considered to be reasonable and prudent in an effort to reduce accident potential.

MVR reports are required for all individuals who are expected to drive a University vehicle on a regular basis. This includes, but may not be limited to, volunteers, students, faculty and staff. The University reserves the right to restrict driving responsibilities due to unacceptable driving record.

Driver Requirements

  1. License – A valid driver’s license issued in the United States. The license must be appropriate for the type of vehicle the driver is seeking authorization to operate.
  2. Minimum Age – No less than 18 years of age.
  3. Driving Experience – No less than 1 year.
  4. Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) Review – Any driver seeking to operate a University owned, leased or rented vehicle must submit their driver’s license information and authorize the University to access the driver’s MVR by completing a “Motor Vehicle Record Release”. Risk Management will access the MVR annually for drivers who are required to drive on a regular basis for their position.
  5. Driver Training –Every driver is required to participate at least annually in an on-line driver safety training program; this training may be done in a group setting or individually as applicable coordinated by the Risk Management department. Additional training is required for drivers who plan to operate vehicles towing trailers. Special training is also required for golf/utility cart operators. Upon completion of the video, the driver must take a quiz and the results will be sent to Risk Management. Other training may be required in certain circumstances. Driver training videos can be found at the bottom of this webpage.
  6. Physical Limitation or Restrictions – Any person intending to operate a University vehicle should have the physical ability to do so without endangering themselves, their passengers, other motorists, pedestrians or any other person or property. Any restrictions (i.e., corrective lenses, not operating after dark, special controls, etc.) indicated on the license of an approved driver must be followed. Regarding any such license restrictions, Human Resources will provide assistance to employees and the Office of Disability Services will assist any students (not employed by the University) where a reasonable accommodation might be needed for the safe operation of a University vehicle.
  7. Student Drivers – Students are not allowed to drive vehicles while the vehicle is occupied by other students except in the following instances: 1). Graduate Assistants may drive other students as a part of group/team travel. In this instance, students 20 years of age or older, who have more than 3 years driving experience may drive vehicles occupied by other students provided the driver successfully completes an online defensive driving course, in addition to the driver training requirements outlined above. 2).With the divisional Vice President’s approval, students meeting Driver Requirements 1-6 outlined above may drive vehicles occupied by other students or guests, provided travel is limited to main campus, or travel to and from The Observatory, College Lake, Ecological Preserve, Softball Field, and UMOM. A Motor Vehicle Request form designated for this use may be found at this link.


Every driver seeking approval to operate a University vehicle must authorize the University to review his or her MVR. This requirement applies to every employee, student and volunteer seeking approval to operate a University vehicle other than the exceptions noted below. Prospective drivers should use the link provided on the UM Risk Management website titled “Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) Release Form” to provide the University with authorization and the necessary information. The department responsible for the driver will be notified of the approval or denial and the details that resulted in the denial will be provided.

MVR Review Frequency

In addition to the initial review, the MVR authorization allows the University to annually and/or periodically check the MVR of an active driver. The frequency of the periodic check is dependent on the driver’s history of moving violations and at-fault accidents.

Driver Training Videos

Auto and SUV Driver Training

Passenger Van Training

Light Trucks, Cargo Vans and Step Vans Driver Training